I can't sleep tonight. I don't know why. I keep my eyes closed for what it seems the eternity to me, but then I turned to look at my alarm clock and see that 15 minutes passed, which means sleeping time is flying away. And I'm certain that tomorrow's gonna be a long, long day, as all Fridays are.
So I get up to do something useful, I sip some cold water, but may be I should try some tea. I sit on my sofa and stare at the stars in the dark blue sky. They seem to be making some sort of wink at me, as they know I can't sleep.
My dog is sound asleep, and my fish are at the bottom of their bowl, resting. Even them are quiet tonight (is there any time when they're not quiet, I wonder).
And I think about posting how stupid I feel at this very moment for having nothing to say, but
that today I received some nice coral roses for women's day. Somebody special remembered me, I believe it was a cute thing. My inbox remains unchecked, but won't stay that way if I can't sleep.
Because of today's rain there are mosquitos all around, and having a pillow on my side (and the device for killing them plugged in), I feel I've got enough strength to go back to bed. We shall see if I can have some of those wonderful dreams I've been experiencing this last month (Oh, I won't post about them now)...
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