Tuesday, March 20, 2007

old church

There's an old Anglican church I'd like to visit. It's one block away from where I live, but it's closed every time I pass by. The good news is that I've seen that mass is celebrated on Sunday mornings. I've also seen its gardener (there's a nice garden around).
Some Sundays ago, I entered there, but I felt out of place when I saw all the people praying while I was trying to take some snaps. I retreated myself to the exit door as silently as possible. You can imagine my face, while trying not to make a noise? I mean, it was not the best moment to take pictures.
I did some internet research and found out that the church was established in November, 1896.
By the way, did I tell you there's another old church in the neighbourhood? Well, I think I'll visit it soon...

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