Friday, May 11, 2007

in memory

He gave me one of his pictures when I told him I was going to write this blog. He helped me when I decided to buy my first flat and then when to sell it. He gave me courage when I felt defeated. He had many cups of coffee with me sharing great talks sitting on my couch (a couch he really liked and wanted one for his own place). He gave me good advice. He even wanted to go out with me and I said "no, but thanks for thinking about me". He was truly a gentleman, one of the old school days. And now he's gone because he decided it was time to go.
How he did it and decided it, it's something I'll never understand, but I feel it was no longer himself when he decided it.
His kids are teens now, and his business is ok, but I think that not having a serious relationship in his life helped him to take the final decision.
Today I want to remember him as a person who loved teaching everybody else things about finance and life matters, because he knew a lot. He had a great heart, that's all that matters.

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