After scubadiving twice that day, I needed to relax a little bit more (as if that were possible) at one of the hotel swimming pools (the one closest to my room). I'm not boasting about my holidays, scubadiving or the amount of pools the hotel had. Not at all.
I was there, quietly thinking of that day and suddenly ups! he slipped! An old man was next to me, entering the pool when he missed one of the steps and plunged in the pool. It was clear that he had arrived at the hotel that day (he was as white as snow). So, we began talking. I was worried about the fact that he could have been seriously hurt. Good Lord, he wasn't. Then, he told me he was from Canada, but born in Greece. Very polite, he was. And very old (in his seventies).
I met him several times during my holls, and I've seen him swimming and chatting with his wife. I exchanged hellos and good evenings with both. She even invited me to visit them (after casual conversations) in Rhodes where they have several houses and stay there with them. So nice they were!
The thing is that I could not find them the day I was leaving the hotel to say goodbye. I never asked their room number. But they were very nice. I just can't stop thinking of them, almost in their seventies and so high-spirited. So, wherever you're in Quebec, thanks for your invitation. It would have been a pleasure to share some time with people like you!
(how nice is to find people to chat about places and life as if they were your grandparents?).
A friend told me that it was like sharing time with a bunch of people in a retirement place. I thought, let's wait until you age like them, then you tell me...
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