There's so much to discover in my country and around the world, that life is not enough for such a huge enterprise. Help me do it!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
fishy fish
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
the matter of the jacket
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
tick tock
doll house
Monday, March 26, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
in the street
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Murphy, my dearest friend

old church

Sunday, March 18, 2007
the previous night
Concerning St Patrick's day: I couldn't take a sip of the bier that is in my fridge (smiling at me every time I open the fridge's door). May be I should wait to share it, shouldn't I?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Was Patrick a saint?
Thursday, March 15, 2007
candle in the wind
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
bite me, if you can
Monday, March 12, 2007
escape from reality
Friday, March 09, 2007
apples from pears
late night post
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Why a Bilingual blog?
the story behind the story in women's day
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
mother's dixit
But today something happened to this routine, it seemed she had her first cup of tea, and with no reason at all, she gulped it down as if she were in a rush. It was not the case, as we were chatting about our so exciting lives.
Then she said she couldn't continue having tea, it was too hot for her and it was a hot day! So the lady changed a bit, after all.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
más y más
Monday, March 05, 2007
questions from an old auntie

But there are some other kind of butterflies I sometimes "see": I've seen them playing in my stomach, hand in hand with cold quivering hands, and a strange feeling that something exciting is about to happen. I've been having these butterflies on and off for a while now...
girlfriend by correspondence
We wanted to do something real stupid, but drunk as we were, we couldn't go out. Instead, she came up with the idea that we should search the internet for our ex-boyfriends, and I agreed, wondering if that was something I dared to do. Search engine on, I sat on a side chair, and she was in control of the mouse. I couldn't manage anything, as the wine was taking over my ideas, and a migraine began to affect me. I didn't even feel interested in the matter, but I was a bit curious.
So, picture after picture, there they were, her exs and mine, all of them looking for dates. The pictures were nice, and their introductions too. It was kind of funny to see how their minds worked, how lonely they must have felt to upload their pics to be seen by unknown girls, hoping to find real love out there. I thought they deserved better than that, all of them, for being such nice guys.
My friend giggled with every word she read aloud. Some months later she admitted having phoned the exes to tell them what she had seen. In my case, I never asked a single word about the subject, as it was not my business. If they wanted to bring the subject up, that was a different thing. No judgement was passed. Being single is about taking all the available options, right? And that's what they did, explore their options.
I still think it was the right decision to take, not to get involved, and I hope they found what they've been looking for. Sometimes I wonder if they found true love out there (hope they did), or if they're still searching.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
bad luck once in a red moon
There's a saying that explains that some people are born under lucky stars, and some others are not. I'm sure I belong to the second group, as there's always something in my way not to be a lucky girl, let's say, for example: I'm always late when I leave my place two hours before, and with plenty of time to whatever I've got to do, I'm the only one taking a dead-end street when there's no sign explaining that, I'm the only person on earth that says, "hey, I like that guy", and then he's taken by a friend (so-called friend, married with children, impossible that she's interested, now they're

* one of the largest soccer stadiums in Buenos Aires
Saturday, March 03, 2007
interesting findings
women-men Q&A survey in a radio show
First Q: how much time do men think of sex?
Women answered: 60%
Men admitted: 20%
(ok guys, stop lying! too shy to answer the truth?)
Second Q: how much time do men think of their jobs?
Women answered: 30%
Men admitted: 50%
(is it possible that you now prefer working rather than sex?)
Third Q: what is the part of women's body men look at first?
Women answered: breasts
Men said: women's face
(hahahahaha, couldn't stop laughing!)
PS 1: It seems that this survey was taken in different countries, one of them the US. Wonder if the person in charge (a man?) was satisfied with the answers...
PS 2: I laughed because there was a man sitting next to me, and he was trying to understand the A)... All I can say is that he seemed to think quite different...