Thursday, March 29, 2007


I keep talking about meals and desserts, but it's the fishy fish that makes me think of better smells. That's why I made some microwave brownies to treat to my mom.

Some years ago I bought a cake through Internet, and sent it to somebody who was celebrating his birthday party a long way from home. I t was really funny because I told him to wait for a surprise without saying what I was sending to him. It turned out well, the cake was there, the package undamaged, and covered by dry ice.

As there were no instructions, he opened the freezer (supposing it was a frrozen cake) and put it there. In fact, it wasn't the case, so when his new friends showed up to sing the happy birthday song, the cake was completely frozen. Still everybody took a bite, and the cake was very good (or at least he told me so).

Now everytime I buy berries, I remember the cake episode. And without fail, I giggle.

fishy fish

Yesterday I cooked fish in the microwave (hello, is there any other way to cook when the weather is still hot?). My mother likes fish a lot, and a marmaid as I am, there's no doubt when I ask her if she'd like to eat fish, she said yes with a big smile on her face. So when I came back home in the afternoon, I prepared the dish.
The only thing I don't enjoy about cooking fish is that the house smells horrible for a week, and I keep washing up everything that was in touch with the fish more than three times in a role. So far, so good.
The other kind of issue is that every time I cook using the microwave I turn up burning myself when taking the dish out of it. And yesterday it wasn't the exception! (grated potatoes were perfect, and I could take the dish without trouble).
Now, I'm rethinking how to cook, not get burnt and still enjoy my home made meals... (strange burnt marks remain in my body for years).
I'm taking this new mark to San Martín de los Andes, may be it would become trendy out there...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

the matter of the jacket

I'm angry. I still can't believe how fool I am. Nine days ago I bought a jacket to wear while in the mountains. So, I needed one to be warm in cool weather. That was why I chose that one.
Of course Murphy wasn't taking some time off that day, and there were no jackets left in the colour I chose. Up to here, it was a normal day for me, but then the shop seller told me that he could get the jacket right in time that week. I was surprised, and I mean, surprise for good, as it's quite a regular thing not to get what you want in the time you need it (what's customers' service in Argentina? It doesn't even exist!).
More than a week passed by, and I phoned the supervisor of the shop several times to check that the jacket was going to be there right before my trip. And I was given many excuses, being one of them that there was an inventory going on in the factory were jackets were received from England, so they couldn't sell any of them or send them to the shops. Anyway, he reassured me that he would have the jacket soon.
Finally, he phoned me yesterday to confirm that the jacket was in the shop, and he could bring it to my house (+1 pt for being nice). Five minutes before the shop closed, I went there and tried the jacket on. It was ok, it was the right one, and I was happy. Deal closed, matter dismissed.
Today I realized while taking the item off the bag that it's not the colour I've been waiting for more than a week (and have paid for, -10 pts!!!) , and it doesn't have a hood (the other reason why I wanted this jacket). Back again to call the guy, he told me in an casual way that he was pretty sure that this was the jacket I wanted! and that this model didn't have a hood!
Suffice to say, now I don't have time to quarrel (well well well he doesn't have the jacket I chose in the premises, how surprising is that?! That's why I waited so long!), I need to pack my things and go in peace, so he made an offer to me: take the jacket I've got to my trip and the minute I come back, I can take it to the shop to change it for the one I wanted from scratch. But he did warn me about trying not to wear it, if possible... (now it's my fault, right?!).
He doesn't have a clue how clumsy (especially with new jackets) I can be when I'm on holls.
Let's see what happens when I use it, and then return it to the shop (Oh I'm certain I will have the jacket I paid for!) ...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

tick tock

I think I need to practise how to be patient... counting the days to go out on a scubadiving day is kind of childish, but, well, that's how I feel, and for God's sake, I need some time off!

doll house

Guess what, I've always dreamt of an English style doll house. I knew it existed in Buenos Aires, as some years ago I found a shop where they were made. Today, by chance, I found the shop again!
The little detail, I must say, is that I don't have daugthers or direct nieces, and it seems I'm a bit too old to have a doll house.
a little too late for that, right?! (I wish I were a girl again!).
By the way, I also found a museum in Germany where miniatures are sold!

Monday, March 26, 2007


I'm almost ready to go: fins and mask on the bed, waiting to be packed; emails have been sent to confirm the scubadiver school when we'll be using their services, hotels re-confirmed. Happy as I am, I don't mind any other issues this week, and I'm ok with everybody. I don't care if it's rainy, sunny or cloudy. I care about my dog, who will be left in good hands, and will be missed (well, there are some people that take their dogs to scubadive, but I'm not one of those). I care about my family and Easter time I won't be spending with them, but they understand my need to ... relax underwater... take some time off... come back as a nice girl... chocolates were promised (in fish shape... just kidding!).
In fact, there are many things I want to do while away: take down interesting notes of the places I'll be visiting, see exotic birds, walk walk walk, breathe pure air, be connected to nature, and enjoy my inner time of peace. Am I exceeding my quota of happiness?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

in the street

Today I was on my way to the subway station when I saw a sign: "six months to repair this small hole".
My first thought was that even though we're included in such an important list for being one of the cities with more expenditure per capita (or at least something like that), we still have "small" holes in the streets (there was a board holding the sign to prevent people from falling there!). And on sidewalks, and everywhere. Well, it's perfectly fine, we do not deserve a better city, we're in a list and other things don't matter anymore!
My question is: Is there a humble (or with big pockets) Argentine out there in the world who'd like to help his country by raising money for services (that should be provided by the government)/sidewalk repairing issues? It seems we'd need that asap! I promise you I'll take a good snap to show you the proof.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


According to a newspaper, (the city of) Buenos Aires is ranked 15 in a list as one of the richest cities in the world.
How surprising is that?
I should say it's not that surprising, considering that the survey was prepared by one of the biggest auditing firms... but is that information real? I think may be not...
I mean, it's not that I don't like my city being ranked among the first 15, but it's clearly because some data was taken into account (the purchasing power parity) and some other data was not included...
Basically, it's nice but I don't think it shows the truth (after all, it's the company's truth, but not mine and my neighbour's)...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Murphy, my dearest friend

I'm very tired, and just discovered that I'm a bit cold (Oh well well, finally it got here, before the Autumn begins!). My nose is blocked, the headache is back, and I can't translate even a word (how can I work like this, with my mind completely shut down and in retrieval once every working hour?). So, I took the happy medicine thinking why is it that every time there's a trip around the corner, Mr Murphy and his (stupid but true) laws get in my way. He's really mean, I can't think of another word.
Let's say that: 1. I don't have the energy today to fight this cold-to-be (plus I keep forgeting to close my window during the night, and it's getting colder!) , 2. I need to get everything set for my trip (though there's plenty of time, there are many things to do). 3. I discovered that everytime I need the dog walker to pick up my precious little-four-leg-thing, he vanishes into thick air. 4. Why is it that choosing a jacket for winter weather is difficult (and so expensive?), plus looking for sweaters is so strange while still in summer time!
How do you call all those, if not Murphy's laws conspiring against my universe?


I've made some changes: instead of going

I'm going here for Easter break
(San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén)
(actually, it's more than a break,
it's a ten day-holiday!)...

The second good thing is that I'll be scubadiving as well!
I'm really excited, and also preparing my bags and my fins!

old church

There's an old Anglican church I'd like to visit. It's one block away from where I live, but it's closed every time I pass by. The good news is that I've seen that mass is celebrated on Sunday mornings. I've also seen its gardener (there's a nice garden around).
Some Sundays ago, I entered there, but I felt out of place when I saw all the people praying while I was trying to take some snaps. I retreated myself to the exit door as silently as possible. You can imagine my face, while trying not to make a noise? I mean, it was not the best moment to take pictures.
I did some internet research and found out that the church was established in November, 1896.
By the way, did I tell you there's another old church in the neighbourhood? Well, I think I'll visit it soon...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

the previous night

Saturday night was real nice. I stayed home and watched some old movies (I felt dizzy all day long). They were girlie's movies, I should add (unless Possession could be considered for men too). Every now and then I enjoy staying home, preparing a home made meal and watch movies like that. It makes my spirit dream about those times when everything was so different, yet love themes were the same...

Concerning St Patrick's day: I couldn't take a sip of the bier that is in my fridge (smiling at me every time I open the fridge's door). May be I should wait to share it, shouldn't I?


I took the triplets to watch a 3D movie. It was the first time they watched a movie wearing glasses for the picture.
Suffice to say, I commented to them when the movie was about to start that this was their birthday present, as I coudn't be with them that day... do you think the parents will hear those words... coming from those little mouths? I'm looking forward to seeing them soon, to look at the parents' faces... and find myself smiling at them...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Was Patrick a saint?

According to the encyclopedia I read, he was a saint. And today he's remembered because it's his death date.
What about booze? Well, there's no record of how he should be remembered...
It seems that people from Ireland (and later on from all over the world) prefer to remember such a saint drinking bier.
Well, in Argentina it is also celebrated that way (though I'm not a bier girl, I can make an exception today).
More info tomorrow...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

candle in the wind

Today was a headache day, or I should say it was a migraine day: I felt as if somebody was punching my brain repeatedly. The very first moment I woke up, I felt it, and there was nothing I could do.

I did what I had to do, but refused to take any medicine. I worked, translated, made phone calls, made appointments. But no aspirins, no pain-free pills, nothing. And I regreted not doing so, because I was feeling worse when coming back home.

One little thing that made my day better (besides the pill for the migraine that I had to take) was an orchid-scented candle I bought. I love candles, especially if they're imported (from The Netherlands!). Oh, yes, they smell so much better!
Tomorrow I'll go buy a few more, and some flowers... ( flowers do go with candles!).

By the way, I'm feeling better, reading very good novels, and some internet material about Rowena's life. Try taking a peek, and you'll be caught by the funny stories! Great material!


I feel as if a cloud was over my head. It's a fact that Murphy's law is not on my side. Let me explain: 1. I'm still trying to solve issues concerning internet bills (started in December), 2. I should be on holidays, but clearly I'm not. 3. Visiting a physician for yearly check-up, my blood pressure went up, up, up (not a good thing, considering my family health records). 4. My family is still in shock for my brother's escape and consequently, we're all "on gard" concerning the subject. 5. some other issues that I won't comment now because I'm a bit lazzy to write about...

But brighter things are about to happen, I'm sure (we'll have to wait, won't we?)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

bite me, if you can

It wasn't only me that suffered the mosquitos fever: they're all around, and they aren't shy at all. I counted at least 20 at my place. Yesterday I was like crazy trying to kill them with my pillow (I missed them all of course). I can't use a spray to kill them, as my dog could suffer from poisoning.
Tonight I closed all the windows and doors, in the hope of not letting any other one in (twenty are enough for a season).
Did you hear any news about when the Autumn will begin? I hope really soon!

Monday, March 12, 2007

escape from reality

I knew last Friday was going to be a crazy day. It was. My adopted brother ran away from the clinic where he was having a detox treatment. He's nineteen, and he cannot handle his reality.
The result was that he decided he didn't want to continue being there in a nanosecond. And left without telling the others. So, we were informed that he would come to our places, and that we should take him back to finish what he had started.
My sister and I thought we were having a déjà vu, we lived the same situation more than a year ago, when he left a previous treatment. At that moment we knew what to do, and on Friday we were sure it was a matter of time. My father was really pissed off, as my brother was about to have one day off with the family every fifteen days. Now he lost all the benefits for having escaped, he had achieved half of the treatment (it's a 3- year treatment).
I cannot express in words how disappointed we all feel. How helpless we feel. What's wrong with him? Why can't he finish? Life shouldn't be that complicated.
He appeared at 5 AM (we couldn't sleep): he was found drunk in the street and taken to a hospital, we picked him up there, and took him again to the clinic. He said he didn't want to go back. We tried to make him reason he was wrong, but drunk as he was, it didn't matter.
During the weekend we were in open communication with the team that runs the clinic: he was in denial, trying to punch all his mates. Then, he reached the bottom, and cried. Thank God for that.
There's a new beginning ahead.

Friday, March 09, 2007

apples from pears

While sitting on my desk sleepy and hopeless (a nap would be great to recover), I'm thinking of a friend's anecdote.
Her boyfriend was ill in bed, having a stomachache. She was at work. He was with his sister. The girlfriend knows about medicine, as both her parents are doctors. The sister doesn't know how to differentiate apples from pears. The girlfriend told the boyf to have some tea and some pills. The sister is in charge of nursing her brother.
Final act: my friend was angry, as the sister instead of giving a normal tea to the brother, prepared a medicine tea for colds...

late night post

I can't sleep tonight. I don't know why. I keep my eyes closed for what it seems the eternity to me, but then I turned to look at my alarm clock and see that 15 minutes passed, which means sleeping time is flying away. And I'm certain that tomorrow's gonna be a long, long day, as all Fridays are.

So I get up to do something useful, I sip some cold water, but may be I should try some tea. I sit on my sofa and stare at the stars in the dark blue sky. They seem to be making some sort of wink at me, as they know I can't sleep.

My dog is sound asleep, and my fish are at the bottom of their bowl, resting. Even them are quiet tonight (is there any time when they're not quiet, I wonder).

And I think about posting how stupid I feel at this very moment for having nothing to say, but that today I received some nice coral roses for women's day. Somebody special remembered me, I believe it was a cute thing. My inbox remains unchecked, but won't stay that way if I can't sleep.
Because of today's rain there are mosquitos all around, and having a pillow on my side (and the device for killing them plugged in), I feel I've got enough strength to go back to bed. We shall see if I can have some of those wonderful dreams I've been experiencing this last month (Oh, I won't post about them now)...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Why a Bilingual blog?

There's no other explanation than it's because I like it, and there's not enough time to have both.
So, from now on some translations will be added.
Hope you enjoy reading me in both languages.

the story behind the story in women's day

There was a lady who fought for women's right, and that's why we have our day.
I cannot think of a happy day (celebrated with flowers, chocolate, greetings or cards) when she had to abandon her country because of her potical view. She was a teacher, and as a teacher, she tried to "lecture" about world's peace in a world that was in war.
It seemed she didn't fear Adolf Hitler's growing power when she became a "congress lady" opposing to that regime, but later on she had to leave Germany. Once in Russia, she was in charge of the International Women's Board, a position she held until she died.
Clara, this is my praise to you, and hope I deserve what you've done for me.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

mother's dixit

Having tea with my mother can be very interesting and very funny indeed. She will drink tea without even considering quitting in a very hot day. It's impossible to follow her steps, and not only she drinks a cup o tea, but two, or may be three, depending who she's with, and for how long the conversation will last. She also says that tea is refreshing, much more than any other thing.

But today something happened to this routine, it seemed she had her first cup of tea, and with no reason at all, she gulped it down as if she were in a rush. It was not the case, as we were chatting about our so exciting lives.

Then she said she couldn't continue having tea, it was too hot for her and it was a hot day! So the lady changed a bit, after all.
Her words were: no more tea for the rest of the summer in very hot days for me.
I will apply her saying whenever she asks me to put the kettle on...


redescubrir algunas cosas del pasado puede resultar algo realmente tierno en un día gris como hoy... altamente recomendado para reconfortar el alma y aumentar el buen espíritu. Y ya que estamos, qué lindo es tener lindos recuerdos de historias pasadas!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

más y más

por qué siguen apareciendo mariposas (borboletas en portugués, no suena musical y etérea?) por todos lados? y por qué se siguen manifestando no sólo en el exterior sino también en mi interior? Me da curiosidad...

Monday, March 05, 2007

questions from an old auntie

My auntie is seventy five years old. She's old from the outside, but twentish from the inside. She can't walk too much, gets tired soon, and cannot eat what she likes. That's concerning her age and health, but taking into account her mind, I'd say she's quicker than I am, more prepared to do whatever it takes to get what she wants, and does all the things she likes.
So, when she can't sleep, she listens to a radio show that is more like a therapy group. She never misses it, and then she always comes up with new ideas (now I don't wonder where these ideas come from), and has some strange questions to ask.
Some days ago when having tea at my mum's, she asked my sister and I about how would you know if a man would make a great lover. I stared at her, turned my eyes to look at my sister's face, and answered that I had no idea. My sister mumbled something in surprise, something nobody could understand. My mum answered with a new question.
This is the answer she heard from the psychologist of the radio show:
a man would make a great lover if he's a delicate person, and takes into account a woman all the time; when he behaves like a real gentleman. When he doesn't think about himself, when he's a generous man...
Can I ask her to pass on the tips? Some hints, perhaps we might need?


I discovered in the last few years that butterflies come and go from wherever they like. I've seen them in the tube, coming from the sea, in green fields, in my flat, while on holidays, in water falls, in the mountains, in the beach.

But there are some other kind of butterflies I sometimes "see": I've seen them playing in my stomach, hand in hand with cold quivering hands, and a strange feeling that something exciting is about to happen. I've been having these butterflies on and off for a while now...

girlfriend by correspondence

About a year ago I was with a friend making real stupid things after drinking (what I should say was too much) wine.
We wanted to do something real stupid, but drunk as we were, we couldn't go out. Instead, she came up with the idea that we should search the internet for our ex-boyfriends, and I agreed, wondering if that was something I dared to do. Search engine on, I sat on a side chair, and she was in control of the mouse. I couldn't manage anything, as the wine was taking over my ideas, and a migraine began to affect me. I didn't even feel interested in the matter, but I was a bit curious.
So, picture after picture, there they were, her exs and mine, all of them looking for dates. The pictures were nice, and their introductions too. It was kind of funny to see how their minds worked, how lonely they must have felt to upload their pics to be seen by unknown girls, hoping to find real love out there. I thought they deserved better than that, all of them, for being such nice guys.
My friend giggled with every word she read aloud. Some months later she admitted having phoned the exes to tell them what she had seen. In my case, I never asked a single word about the subject, as it was not my business. If they wanted to bring the subject up, that was a different thing. No judgement was passed. Being single is about taking all the available options, right? And that's what they did, explore their options.
I still think it was the right decision to take, not to get involved, and I hope they found what they've been looking for. Sometimes I wonder if they found true love out there (hope they did), or if they're still searching.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

bad luck once in a red moon

It rained during the afternoon and still is (the morning was so sunny, I couldn't believe it was raining some time later!). A friend called me to crack some jokes about not being able to watch the eclipse. I never ever think of eclipses, in fact, I tend to pay attention to them once they're over. So, I thought it was a terrific idea to remember this one. On time.

There's a saying that explains that some people are born under lucky stars, and some others are not. I'm sure I belong to the second group, as there's always something in my way not to be a lucky girl, let's say, for example: I'm always late when I leave my place two hours before, and with plenty of time to whatever I've got to do, I'm the only one taking a dead-end street when there's no sign explaining that, I'm the only person on earth that says, "hey, I like that guy", and then he's taken by a friend (so-called friend, married with children, impossible that she's interested, now they're together and have a baby, not even waited for her divorce!)... all my life I've been planning holidays to great places which had to be canceled or postponed for some important reasons. It took me years to understand this, and the list may continue for hours, but it's payback time: I'm at home, watching movies while Ricky Martin's show is taking place in River Plate Stadium*, so there's some firework. Is it possible that something is changing for good? Should I take it as a sign?
(Picture taken in Bariloche)

* one of the largest soccer stadiums in Buenos Aires

Saturday, March 03, 2007

interesting findings

While I was making a huge effort to concentrate in my study, I thought it was a good time of the day to order the bathroom cabinet (and run away from my books for a while). Saturday mornings were made to order things, actually (the things always delayed for some reason).
Then, I discovered it: there's a men deodorant behind my creams. I wonder how it got there, as I cannot remember this fact. I took the lid off and it really smelt good. I'm the kind of girl who enjoys good smells.
I wonder if it was left behind by somebody... Or was it attached to a magazine, and thought of my dad, my brother, my best friend to give it away? Well, now it can stay a bit longer where it is, it smells good, and it's refreshing to have a men's thing at my place.
Surely I will spray some tonight in my pillow...

women-men Q&A survey in a radio show

Yesterday while taking the freeway, I was trying to find a good radio show to listen to.
Sure I found it when I heard a guy explaining some statistics about what men think of themselves, and how women see them.

First Q: how much time do men think of sex?
Women answered: 60%
Men admitted: 20%

(ok guys, stop lying! too shy to answer the truth?)

Second Q: how much time do men think of their jobs?
Women answered: 30%
Men admitted: 50%

(is it possible that you now prefer working rather than sex?)

Third Q: what is the part of women's body men look at first?
Women answered: breasts
Men said: women's face

(hahahahaha, couldn't stop laughing!)

PS 1: It seems that this survey was taken in different countries, one of them the US. Wonder if the person in charge (a man?) was satisfied with the answers...

PS 2: I laughed because there was a man sitting next to me, and he was trying to understand the A)... All I can say is that he seemed to think quite different...

por dos pesos

Ayer, en plena calle, un anciano con rostro de sabio, me ofrece dos docenas de rosas por dos pesos... como si se hubiera dado cuenta que las necesitaba para alegrarme el día...
Le sonreí, le agradecí y seguí mi camino... y me fui con el aroma a rosas invisibles impregnado en la mente...

Friday, March 02, 2007

uno-dos uno-dos más arriba!

Qué pereza pasar por el pilates show desde la calle mientras las mujeres suben las piernas, sin sus tennis shoes, y tratan de hacer equilibrio (y sin morir en el intento).
A mí la cinta, gym, natación, buceo, la caminata, pero los pilates con vista a la calle (y a los señores que miran asombrados y con cara de perros babosos), jamás! Perspiration is for more private moments, shared with those I choose...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

February is gone and Becks is moving

Oh, yes, if it is not enough to have many, many reality shows, now there'll be one about the Beckham family moving to LA.
Do they really need to broadcast this? Don't they have enough money for the many, many, many next generations of Beckhams? I think they should keep their dirty laundry to themselves. It's incredible what they could do for more money and fame.