Friday, July 13, 2007


I received several emails from a local bookstore just in case I'd like to order the book in advance. Later on Amazon also made me the offer. Then, a spam text message. I wonder if they're going to ring the bell next as a marketing device so that they make sure I'll buy the book.
Of course the answer is no. There's nothing wrong with Harry Potter, but I'm not interested, as I'm not interested in many other things. Let's say that top ten cds, books, charts or any other products sold nowadays are not in my must-have list. My life can go on without consumerism, and I'll buy whatever I want when I really feel the irresistible urge to buy it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The hype around the latest (last?) HP book is a total buzz kill.
I have nothing against the poor fella and his magic wand, apart from the fact that one may get a bad case of hogwarts (pun intended), but enough is enough already!