Tuesday, July 31, 2007

winter break

One question: is it me or this winter break seems to be lasting longer than previous ones? Because children seem to spring from the floor. Everywhere. Any time of the day. And teenagers. And toddlers in prams. My second question: where are the parents?!
This makes me think that, some time ago, I found out that some places (restaurants, tea houses, etc.) had a new regulation: they don't let children in. Which means that there are some children-free places in the city. And I smiled because somebody had the same idea I had some years ago.
(By the way, I like children when they behave as human beings).
I must get the list of such places.

Monday, July 30, 2007


In this country it is not mandatory to leave tips, though it's customy to leave at least 10% of your check if the service provided was good.
But what about deliveries? Because I found many messages written on the service lift door about how people tend to be mean (storeys and flats are indicated unmistakably on those messages).
Embarrassment is all over my neighbour's faces every time we share the lift...

Friday, July 27, 2007

old tv shows

I guess you all remember the Little House on the Prairie tv show.
I guess you'd like to know what happened to the actors of that show.
(in Spanish)

I guess I was too young to remember the whole story...

old calendars

I moved some time ago where I'm living now. The good thing about moving was that many old things were thrown away. The bad thing was that I opened all sort of boxes containing all sort of old papers that needed to go.

So, what did I find among all those papers? old calendars with poems, sketches, some short stories I used to write when I was a teenager (a long long time ago). You see, the kind of stuff that makes you laugh for hours and makes you lose track of time (not a very productive activity when you're in the middle of the move, right? But a great recreational activity, after all).

Anyway, curious as I could be sometimes, I took some time off to read my old calendars because I wrote very funny entries, or at least there were many details of different subjects I could have never recalled of. Interested enough in those entries, I put all my all calendars in my briefcase, and brought it back home, to continue amusing myself with my own stories in some other time.

Needless to say, my briefcase was emptied a day after, and the calendars were long forgotten on one shelf, an automatic activity when I'm busy trying to focus on other matters.

Time went by, months went by, and one day, out of the blue, I remembered I had some info about an interesting event written down in those calendars. I cannot go into details, but I can say that in the event there were: a guy involved, a Simpsons' plastic glass, and ... oh well, I've to go back to read the whole story again...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

incidents à la carte

I had a funny incident yesterday, I got trapped in the lift! It was only for five minutes (yes, I pressed the alarm button, though I wasn't worried), but I enjoyed them all: I sit on the floor, as if I were in my living room, and began to read a book [Brave New World, isn't it funny I was reading it?] I had with me (I was coming back from the doctor's office, reading material was mandatory).
So this week I learnt some valuable lessons: stay away from lifts, unplug computers and check voice-mail messages just in case the doctor's secretary says she left a message to cancel the appointment five minutes before I left home, grrr...

And it's only Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

cultural minds

I never thought of taking both girls (almost teenagers, daughters of a second-cousin) to the National Museum of Fine Arts in their winter break. Being wrong in my decisions and views, this time is the time to create cultural minds, or that's what their mother thinks. "No argue" is my motto, and next Sunday I'll wear my smile and politeness just to show them that I really enjoy art, a fact in my life.
I wonder if they'll find the way to cope with me reciting all the painters in every room... (I foresee a long visit to the museum's cafeteria instead of a visit to the rooms)... Isn't it cultural to have tea there?

computer incident

My sister had an incident yesterday. She was changing the usb cord from one computer to another, and bang, she received an electric discharge. I was in a bit of a shock when she told me that her muscles were paralized for a second, and she couldn't move. Then I saw her, and we bothed laughed at the incident.
Lesson learnt: next time you need to interchange usb cords between computers, please unplug the computers... or else your hair will be frizzy for a while!

Monday, July 23, 2007


I need some cafeine. Wrong, I need litres of coffee.
And someone to think for me, and work for me and live for me.

Is it too much to ask? All right then, I'll get some coffee and see how my Monday continues...

Friday, July 20, 2007

friends' day

It seems that cell text messages are not working, emails are a bit slow, and I've been trying to post for some time now...
Happy Friends' Day for all of you who read this blog!
I really don't know how it is celebrated in other countries (I do know that in Spain is not even celebrated!), but in Argentina is very important to take some time off to hang out with friends today.
So if you don't celebrate it, copy the Argentine way and have some quality time with your friends!

Friday, July 13, 2007


I received several emails from a local bookstore just in case I'd like to order the book in advance. Later on Amazon also made me the offer. Then, a spam text message. I wonder if they're going to ring the bell next as a marketing device so that they make sure I'll buy the book.
Of course the answer is no. There's nothing wrong with Harry Potter, but I'm not interested, as I'm not interested in many other things. Let's say that top ten cds, books, charts or any other products sold nowadays are not in my must-have list. My life can go on without consumerism, and I'll buy whatever I want when I really feel the irresistible urge to buy it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Winter? I mean, conversations about yesterday's snow were really boring. And the telephone calls received including the same topic made me feel sick.
But the fact that I had to wear gloves and a knitted hat was unbearable. A snowman is nothing compared to me.

Monday, July 09, 2007

It's snowing in BA!
Incredible as it may seem, it is real and also a rare thing in this city.
And it's very cold.
Listening to Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow seems the right thing to do at this very moment, that, and drinking some hot chocolate or even a glass of Riestling (some other ideas crossed my mind) ...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Why he used to call himself "the master" is something I will never know. It was funny, indeed, as our relationship developed, and our names and nicknames changed from serious to short, nice, and caring in our becoming-adults phase.
But, again, "the master"? Was he supposed to teach me? He certainly did, though I wouldn't say he taught practical matters to me (well, not completely true, but I guess I can't go into details here). He unveiled a new world to me, a world that was completely different. He made me feel I could grow wanting more, and achieving goals, and still have hopes. He always gave me the courage to learn from wrong and turn grey days into clear skies. A task the master performed faultless.
I miss that mastery of life, and the master's witty sense of humour.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

sightseeing spot downtown

Buenos Aires has many interesting places to visit. Many of them are not so well-known, that's the case of the "Mitre Museum" where one the presidents of our country lived at the beginning of 20th century. It is placed downtown, and it's very nice. It counts with a library, and definitively, it should be a must-see spot. At this very moment it's a place where to hide when you need some time off when in the "jungle".

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Can I play darts with the heads of two enginneers? I mean, that's the least they deserve for making holes in my kitchen's floor (and denying it), among other things. How could I have the idea things had to be a little bit easier when it came to remodeling a flat?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

random thought

Too often that thing you want most is the one thing you can't have.

Monday, July 02, 2007


I was 9 when this song caused a sensation. My mother used to take my sis and I to school listening to this song (and the whole cassette!). And then, we listened to it the whole Summer, and the following Autumn, and Winter, and for some years it was my mum's favourite song (and ours too).
Any memories around the world?

sueño vs noni

Nobody in this world would understand the meaning of these words, but I'm certain somebody will get the hint.
There used to be a a guy an a girl who had a relationship going on. To cut the story short, they were in love, and there were codes between them. Sueño and noni was one of them, kind of "sleep and dream" thing.
I cannot tell the secret, unless you understand the code... or at least try to crack it.

dvds and movies

What's the matter with Blockbuster's dvds?: last weekend I was given one I have already watched (it was placed on the wrong shelf, their fault, not mine!), and yesterday, I picked a dvd that didn't work the way it was supposed to. Conclusion: I don't know how Scoop ends!
I'm putting these points on my black list. grrrr
The good news is that I'm watching Four Eyed Monsters, it is said to be a honest, quirky, touching and occasionally hilarious story.