Wednesday, April 11, 2007

long list

Wow, it's difficult to believe I spent so much money in so many souvenirs, but it's just a part of what I brought. I should have brought a basket for my significant ones, I mean, it's easier to put things in a basket than in a paper bag (doomed to tear)!

Yesterday I phoned some of my friends, and all of them invited me to have tea/coffee/ a drink, and it surprised me, everybody said I sounded relaxed and happy. I thought it was good, as I felt like that, but deep down inside I knew it wouldn't last that much.

And I was right: now I'm under a pile of papers to read, other papers to be translated, classes to attend, people to see, birthdays to celebrate, souvenirs to be delivered, plus bags to be unpacked, laundry to be washed, cleaning lady to be warned about delicate sweaters, jacket to be changed/returned (remember this issue?), dog to be taken a bath.

It's not that I distress easily, but things must be taken care of. I think I'm gonna wait ten days to see if I still have this smile on my face...


Anonymous said...

A break can do wonders, but I guess it is back to the grindstone for you. Still you have your memories and souvenirs to hang on to. They can last a lifetime.

Orquidea said...


I hope they can last a lifetime! At least, that's my idea while I'm under a huge pile of translations!